


Followed by English translation.





  1. 個人情報保護を推進する組織を設置するとともに、個人情報保護管理責任者を定め、個人情報の保護の適切な管理に努めます。
  2. 取得、利用、提供など、適切な個人情報の取り扱いについての規則や規定を定め、すべての従業員に遵守させます。
  3. 個人情報の取り扱いを外部に委託する際は、委託する個人情報を必要な最小限に絞込み、個人情報を適切に取り扱っていると認められる委託先を選定し、委託先においても個人情報の安全管理、秘密保持、再委託の禁止等、適切に管理を実施させます。
  4. 保有または預託された個人情報に対し、適切かつ合理的な安全管理措置を実施し、漏洩、紛失、改ざんなどの防止に努めます。
  5. 個人情報保護に関する国内法令・規則、その他の規範を遵守します。
  6. 上位者による率先垂範およびすべての従業員に対する教育を行い、本方針の周知徹底ならびに個人情報保護意識の向上を図ります。
  7. 本方針、関連諸規則を含む個人情報保護体制の評価と見直しを定期的・継続的に行い、その改善に努めます。
  8. Privacy Policy

    NHK Precision Co., Ltd. (“our company”) actively utilizes a broad range of personal information including personal data entrusted to us by our customers to provide convenient, beneficial and high-quality product services that satisfy our customers. One of the most important responsibilities of our company is to protect personal information from the risk of data leakage, loss and tampering and to protect the rights of our customers and other related individuals.

    Our company hereby establishes the “Privacy Policy” to protect and safeguard personal information as necessary and appropriate. All those who work for our company including directors, employees, dispatched workers and part-time workers shall at all times abide by this policy with regard to the handling and management of personal information.

    In addition, our company shall also require subcontractors to which we entrust personal information to abide by this policy and exercise supervision over the subcontractors in an appropriate manner. Personal information under this policy refers to all personal data owned by our company and data that were obtained or learned through our business activities including personal information on our employees.
    Our company shall observe the following:

    (1) Establish an organization dedicated to promoting the protection of personal information and designate a personal information protection administrator to ensure the appropriate management of the protection of personal information.
    (2) Designate regulations and rules on the appropriate handling of personal information including data acquisition, utilization and provision, and require all our employees shall abide by these.
    (3) Restrict the personal information to be outsourced to the minimum extent required, when outsourcing the handling of personal information to an outside party, select a subcontractor that is recognized as a company that handles personal information in an appropriate manner, and require the subcontractor to exercise appropriate management of personal information through secure data management, confidentiality protection, prohibition of re-entrustment and other measures.
    (4) Implement appropriate and rational security management measures on the personal information we own or entrusted to us and adopt steps to prevent data leakage, loss and tampering.
    (5) Abide by domestic laws and regulations and other standards on the protection of personal information.
    (6) Make this policy well-known among our employees and enhance their awareness on the protection of personal information with high-ranking officials taking the initiative in setting an example and by providing training to all our employees.
    (7) Assess and review our personal information protection system, which includes this policy and related regulations, on a regular and continuous basis as part of our efforts to improve the system.


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